Episode 57: The Fabulous Na'La!

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Whoa! Get ready for some awesome! For this episode Na'La from Shakra joins the YIP Crew in studio! We all learn about the oud, Tammy shares her secret for happy feet (super sweet dance shoes, that's what!), Mary shares some Na'La-approved music and there's more giggling than usual! (I know....scary!!!)

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On This Episode:

Tammy's sweet dance sneakers!

DIY/Bellydance on a Budget (tribe.net) - "Glue?"
Shira.net tribe (tribe.net) - "Is It Good for Business?"
Hipmix.net - Dilara's Diary - "Hi, I'm Dilara Sultan, and I don't approve of this message"
Shira.net tribe (tribe.net) - "Forgiving bad dancers and teachers?"
Princess Farhana (blog) - "Dancing Through Pain and Physical Limitation, Part Two"
So You Think You Can Dance - Janelle Issis
Sadie - Awesome video of Sadie being awesome!
Deep Roots Dance
Jill Parker
Valley of the Jolly Green Giant
Cues and Tattoos
Udjat Beats & Belly Dancing
Shula Azhar Belly Dance Divas
Tribal Solstice
Geisha Moth
Sakura Tribal (blog) - "Mishaps and Mayhem!"


The oud - legend of the creation 

Dobby (Harry Potter)

Melanie Moore - "Cracks" solo from So You Think You Can Dance
Ellie Goulding
Na'La on Facebook
Office Space Milton (red stapler)
Heather Stants (Urban Tribal Dance Company)
Amy Sigil - UNMATA
Donna Mejia
Mira Betz
Tjarda and The Uzume Dance Company
Sera Solstice
Carolena Nericcio
Gothic Bellydance - Revelations Shakra's Industrial Strength Dance Workout DVD The Daily Show
Clip of TURKU featuring the Ghawazee Dancers (did you spot Olivia Kissel?)
SCA - Society for Creative Anachronism
Rusted Root
Never give up! Never surrender!

Around Town:
There is not an Around Town on this episode, however you can Join our Email List and find out everything currently going on!

Oud Music:
1. "Oud Taksim" by The Ikhwani Safaa Musical Club of Zanzibar
2. "Oud Taqsim" by Kara Nomadica
3. "Taksim" by John Berberian
4. "Azziza" by John Berberian
End credits: "Siseler" by John Berberian

Featured Artists:

First set:
1. "Cracks" by Freestylers (Flux Pavilion remix) - Amazon or Cracks (Flux Pavilion Remix) [feat. Belle Humble] - UKF Dubstep 2010
2. "Lights" by Ellie Golding (Bassnectar remix) - Amazon or Lights (Bassnectar Remix) - Lights (The Remixes), Pt. 1 - EP
3. "Timestretch" by Bassnectar - Amazon or Timestretch - Timestretch

Second set: All songs by Rusted Root - Amazon or Rusted Root
Song 1: "Agbadza" (off the album Rusted Root)
Songs 2/3:  "Drum Trip" and "Back to the Earth" (off the album When I Woke)

Additional Music:

Artist: Solace - Amazon or Solace
Album: Gorgon Days
Songs: Full Blown Stutter, Blind in One Eye
Album: Nagari
Songs: Coveting Bes, Bain of Desire, Sorrow & Veil, Serpent's Kiss, Strange Flesh, Death in Sin, End of Religion

Artist: Shiva in Exile - Amazon or Shiva In Exile
Album: Nour
Songs: We're All One